Car Be Bock handles everything from initial consultations to sale support

From Iniial Consultations to Sales Support 


Initial Consultation

We listen attentively to our customers to determind what kind of product they want.



Product Plan Proposal

After we survey market needs and conduct marketing, we propose a product concept based on the results of our research and the lastest infermation on materials.



Product Design

We issued a proposal,content price, nameing, container, printed material, type of packaging and  volume other specifications.




We discuss and submit a prototype. We present the customer with an analysis of a sample and the specifications for the product. We define economy lots and calculated cost by creating mass production prototypes.



Standing Setting / Time dependence Test

We conduct acceleration tests and other tests to verifying quality standdards and expirations dates.



Product Specification Determiaation

We determind product specifications (standard) and we proposed and produce containers and packaging.



Product Plan

We propose a manufacturing timeline. We propose the optimum timeline based on sales experience.




Under the stringent Quality assurance systems implemented by the Quality Assurance Departments in each plant, we inspect raw materials and mass produce them into packaged products with our fully-integrated, proprietary manufacturing process.




We Only Ship products after checking their quality against the product specifications.



Sales Support

We also propose sales promotion plans as needed to provide our customers with sales support.


Formula : glucosamine , Collagen , minerals , amino acid and other materials

Concept : Increased immunity , joint pain relief , beauty , diet , metabolic syndrome remedy , fat burning , vitamin and mineral supplement

Product Type : Instant Drink , various capsules , tablets , granules , Softgel